> Lau Family Farm Idaho | Utah Beef and Lamb
Lamb Chop Bundle

Lamb Chop Bundle

Price will vary...calculated at 10% off retail price of items included in bundle

Bundle Discount

Save $7.00

These bundles have recently varied from $68 to $70.50 at 10% discount rate. Full retail value of the cuts included in bundle were between $75.50 and $79 respectively, and averaged $77

We will make up the bundle following the guidelines below:

  • 3-4 lbs of mixed chops, loin, rib, leg chops, shoulder chops,
    • (typically 1 pkg loin or rib, 1 pkg leg chop, 1 pkg shoulder chops)
  • 2 pkgs - a mixture ground lamb, kabob, shanks, stew or riblets.