We will contact you to discuss when we'll be able to deliver the quarter. We expect to be filling new orders for quarters in approximately June or July 2025.
Step 1: Make a $150 deposit for a Half Beef Order ($156 if you pay for the deposit with a credit card, including the card processing fee)
Step 2: We'll contact you about if you'd like any bones, and which type of organs you'd like included (heart, liver, oxtail, tongue)
Step 3: After having our butcher cut and wrap the meat we'll make your freezer ready meat available at one of our regular pick-up sites, or we can arrange home delivery for a small fee. Payment will be due at the time of delivery, including sales tax for your location. Your deposit will be deducted from the price of the beef to create the balance due.
Quarter Beef Purchasing Information
Quarter of a Grass-Fed Beef $5.50 per hanging lb
We would expect your quarter to come from an animal that weighs in the neighborhood of 700 to 825 lbs. So your price would be the actual hanging carcass weight divided by 4 multiplied by $5.50 per lb. If your animal was 700 lbs even your price would be $962.50 plus tax. If the animal was 800 lbs the price would be $1100. This size animal should yield you roughly 100 lbs of cuts of meat. Our animals typically yield (cuts you take home vs. hanging weight) between 55% to 60% of their carcass wt, with an average of 57%. Nearly all of the bone is removed from our beef-short ribs and soup bones are the only bone-in cuts you will receive.
Your quarter will be roughly half the meat that comes from an entire side of beef. All of the meat is divided into two piles that are as even as we can get them. You should expect to get roughly 20% of your meat as steaks (tenderloin, rib eyes, New York's, top sirloin, petite sirloin, flank, skirt, chuck and cube steaks). Another 20 ish percent will be roasts (top sirloin, sirloin tip, eye of round, chuck, brisket, London broil and tri-tip). Ground beef will make up around 50% of the meat you get, with the remainder being short ribs, meaty soup bones, steaks strips, stew and kabob cubes.
Our standard cutting instructions call for 1 inch thick steaks, packaged two per package. We ask for the roasts to be about 2 lbs each. The stew, steak strips, and kabob are in 1 lb packages. Our butcher makes 1 lb blocks of our ground beef. The meat will be vacuum sealed by our butcher.