> Lau Family Farm Idaho | Utah Beef and Lamb
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Beef Slow Cooking Bundle

Beef Slow Cooking Bundle

Price will vary...calculated at 10% off retail price of items included in bundle

Bundle Discount

Save $14.50
  • These bundles have varied from $125 to $130 recently, with an average of $128.50,at 10% discount.  The full retail value of the cuts included has varied from $140 to $150, with an average of $143.

  • We will make up the bundle following the guidelines below:
  • 1-3 Slow Cooking Roasts (Chuck Roast, Eye of Round, Rump or Brisket) approx 4 to 6 lbs
    3-4 lb Marinating/Moderately Tender Steaks (Petite Sirloin, Top Sirloin, Flank, Skirt, Ranch, Chuck, or Cube Steaks)
    2 pkgs Convenience Cuts or Bone-in Cuts (Stew Cubes, Boneless Short Ribs or Steak (stir-fry) Strips, Meaty Soup Bones, Ribs) approx 1.8 to 2.2 lbs
    5 pkgs Ground Beef (Five approx 1 lb packages of our standard 85-90% lean burger) approx 5 lbs.